Abstract Arch Denture Clinic is a reliable and welcoming
denture clinic
Mooloobark residents. We offer custom-designed and tailored dentures to ensure your smile is restored. Our team has been in the business for over 35 years, consistently creating dental plans that match the unique orthodontic care our clients need. Our head, Gregory Nash, is a distinguished and qualified dental prosthetist passionate about offering the highest quality care by combining high-quality artificial teeth with the latest modern technology.
We will gladly guide you through the tooth replacement process, whether full or partial, and conduct emergency repairs or relines. Our clinic works with many dental practitioners and partners with local dental clinics that provide dental treatment before making dentures. We are also recognised by the Department of Veteran Affairs and the Victorian Denture Scheme and acknowledged by every health fund in Australia. If you want an affordable and reliable denture clinic in Mooroolbark, visit us today.
Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth, which can affect your confidence and ability to eat. We design complete dentures to look like natural teeth and support your cheeks and lips. Our team also offers various denture services, including;
• Full dentures
• Partial dentures
• Immediate dentures
• Implant-supported overdentures
Full dentures are a cost-sensitive alternative to implant retained dentures. They are easy to remove, clean, and care for. On the other hand, partial dentures enhance chewing and speaking while also preserving the placement of your existing teeth. Our clinic also has immediate temporary dentures for patients who need a quick but temporary fix to their broken teeth following an accident or trauma. This procedure anchors implant-supported overdentures into your jawbone to provide a stable and visually-appealing replacement for missing teeth. No matter what you need, our experienced team is ready to help you achieve the best possible smile.
Our company has been providing high-quality, custom-designed dentures for over 43 years. We offer expert advice and personalised services sure to satisfy each client and implement the latest technology to create attractive aesthetic solutions for your smile. We have a laboratory located right in our Mooroolbark denture clinic, which allows us to make your dentures within the office and get them made in a timely manner. Our denture-creating process is straightforward—we begin by taking an impression of your teeth, which we’ll then use to create your custom dentures. Our dentist will fit the new dentures into your mouth and make the necessary adjustments.
For long-term care and to provide relief, our team offers denture ease and alteration services. Dentures are prone to shifting along the gum line, causing discomfort and pain, but our staff is qualified to provide relines that would make your dentures fit right again. Visit our office today and greet tomorrow with a smile.
Visit our Mooroolbark denture clinic today for the perfect smile. We provide numerous options and long-term care for your orthodontic health. At Abstract Arch Dental Clinic, your smile matters.
Suite 204/92 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood, VIC 3134